Wednesday, March 4, 2009


The last couple of weeks have been really busy. I am really enjoying most of my classes, especially my Islamic art and architecture course. We started with Ummayad Dynasty: the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, the Great Mosque of Damascus, and recently the Great Mosque of Samarra in Iraq. We look at the evolution of Islamic architecture, from the beginning with the Prophet Mohammad's house in Medina, to the point where elements were borrowed from the Byzantine and Sassanian empires, and finally the formation of a distinct type of architecture. I find it interesting because understanding Islam is so central to comprehending the culture of the Middle East.

Last weekend I went out to dinner with a big group of AUC students, but this was no typical meal. We went downtown, and made our way through an alleyway to find the most famous pigeon resterant in Cairo. The name of place is Gomhorriya, which means "republic" and serves only pigeon. We were the only Westerners in sight, as plates stacked high with whole, stuffed pigeon arrived at our table. I was initially a little put off by the fact that my meal was looking at me with beady eyes, but when a friend popped the head in her mouth, I realized that I had to eat it- I did not eat the head though! I didn't really enjoy the fowl, but the cultural aspect was great.

This weekend I will be going to Morocco. We have vacation for the Prophet Mohammad's birthday. We will be landing in Casablanca and visiting Fes and Marrakesh. I am really excited to see another part of North Africa and also the opportunity to speak French. We leave tomorrow after classes- I will upload photos when I return!

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